These are web mockups made for a fake band, "Champagne Spaghetti." The idea was a food/alcohol related band with a retro, girly twist. I took a more illustrative approach for this project, drawing all of my assets instead of using photography and choosing a typeface that would best match the aesthetic, "FF Cocon." Website was made for my Web Design course with the objective of making an event website.
This design comes from my Typography course, creating my own typeface to then be able to apply it to a product. My typeface "Ironflag" was used for a beer design, playing into an older, medieval style, hence the name of the beer being "Medieval Tavern." The colors I chose were intentional to portray a rustic, regal appearance, and the skull illustration became the icon for this project.
This was a menu design I created for a cuisine of my choosing. I decided on a Southern BBQ type restaurant named "Hog's House," making the menu in the shape of a house. I wanted the body to be unique and memorable, having an interesting layout as well as a dessert menu in the shape of a chimney.
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